FRENCH DREAM possesses state accreditation N° IM064140016.
This accreditation is accorded by the Agency for Touristic Development in France (Agence de développement touristique de la France) “Atout France” in accordance with the French State requirements, and following assessment of our professional capabilities, our qualifications, our financial stability and our respect for client commitment.
For each voyage sold, we have Professional Liability insurance. Our insurance contract is with HISCOX insurers, contract No. ........ and covers a maximum of 7 500 000 Euros per claim.
The totality of the funds deposited by our clients is insured by the Professional Tourism Association (Association Professionnelle de Solidarité du Tourisme, APST) in the case of default on our part.
DGCIS approval enables FRENCH DREAM to be officially recognised as a travel agent to receive groups of Chinese tourists in France.
This agreement has been sent to the Chinese authorities (Chinese National Tourism Administration-CNTA) and FRENCH DREAM appears on the approved list of travel agencies recognised to receive groups of Chinese tourists in France. This agreement was set up within the approved tourist agreement signed on 12 February 2004 between the European Community and the China National Tourism Administration.